Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Triphala-Ayurvedic Healing Fruits

Triphala is an ancient herbal blend and one of the most common herbal medicines of Ayurvedic Medicine. Ayurveda, originated from India and is one of the oldest healing systems.

Triphala, meaning 3 fruits,is comprised of;Amla,Haritaki,Vibhitaki.
Amla-contains more vitamin C than almost any other fruit (3000 mg!)
Haritaki-bowel tonifier,
Vibhitaki-removes mucous build-up,promotes hair growth
Combined these three herbal fruits promote internal cleansing, and improves digestion and assimilation.
Triphala is so reliable that Ayurvedic practitioners say "When in doubt,use

It is taken as a weekly cleanser in India, usually at night, to purify bowels, promote digestion, good health and longetivity,protect the liver, as an anti-oxidant, and as a anti-microbial.

You might benefit from Triphala if you experience..
constipation, cough, asthma, intestinal problems, parasites, skin eruptions, ulcerous sores, herpes, wounds, inflamed eyes, or blurry vision

Visit the Wellness Store for Triphala and other herbal products

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